Getting Started: Housekeeping
Being respectful online is important because the social cues that we use face-to-face may be missing and/or more difficult to pick up on in the online environment.
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Use the Nimbus dashboard, available from a web browser, to manage your instance, including to help you determine whether you need more/less resources.
Log on to the Nimbus dashboard using your project username and password.
Key pairs establish a public-private (lock-key) combination so you can securely access your Nimbus instance.
Your private-key should be treated like a password. Do not share it with anyone, or lose it.
You can easily use the Nimbus dashboard to create your key pair (or import an existing key pair).
Instance Creation
You use the Nimbus dashboard to select preferences and options for your instance based on project needs.
It is important to select a key pair for which you have the private key file, as you require it to access your instance.
It is important to select the default security group as well as one which enables incoming SSH access (your access).
Instance Access
You can securely log in to your Nimbus instance from Linux, Mac, Unix, or Windows, using Secured Shell (SSH).
Recovery Challenge
Use a data volume to store working/project data.
Do not use the root volume to store data, as you will lose your data if you delete the instance
If you need to disconnect an attached and mounted data volume from your instance, first unmount and then detach it, or you may lose data during the process.
Perform maintenance updates on your instances at least weekly to ensure the security and effectiveness of your software.
Install software when needed as administrator of your instance, but remind yourself that root commands have the potential to damage the system.