Using Nimbus: Cloud computing at Pawsey

This course will introduce you to the use of Nimbus, the research cloud at Pawsey Supercomputing Centre.



Part 1 00:00 1. Getting Started: Housekeeping
00:05 2. Management What is a Nimbus instance?
Where can I manage my Nimbus instance?
00:15 3. Authentication What are key pairs and why do we need them?
How do we set up key pairs for Nimbus?
00:35 4. Instance Creation How do I set instance preferences and options?
How do I launch a configured Nimbus instance?
01:10 5. Instance Access How do I securely log into a Nimbus instance?
01:30 6. Recovery Challenge
01:40 Finish
Part 2 00:00 7. Storage What’s the difference between root and data volumes?
How do I set up a volume to store my working data?
What do I do with my data volume if I want to delete my instance?
00:35 8. Data How do we move data to and from an instance?
How do we backup data?
00:50 9. Software Why is it important to maintain your instances’ software?
What is the process for maintaining an instances’ software?
How do I install software on my instance?
01:20 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.