OpenFOAM containers at Pawsey: Setup

What we’ll need?

  • You should be able to connect to Zeus via ssh
  • We’ll be using scripts and exercises from a Git Repository.

Confirm you have access on your laptop to the command line.

Connecting to Zeus and Cloning the exercises

Steps for dealing with connection and cloning

Please do the following:

  1. Open a linux terminal and ssh to zeus providing your credentials

     $ ssh
     #                    Pawsey Supercomputing Centre                          #
     #        Empowering cutting-edge research for Australia's future           #
     #                                                                          #
  2. Create a directory for the training in /scratch and clone the repository

     zeus-1:~> mkdir -p $MYSCRATCH/pawseyTraining
     zeus-1:~> cd $MYSCRATCH/pawseyTraining
     zeus-1:pawseyTraining> git clone
     Cloning into 'containers-openfoam-workshop-scripts'...
     remote: Enumerating objects: 30, done.
     remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done.
     remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
     remote: Total 30 (delta 10), reused 30 (delta 10), pack-reused 0
     Unpacking objects: 100% (30/30), done.
     zeus-1:pawseyTraining> cd containers-openfoam-workshop-scripts/
     zeus-1:*-scripts> ls
     02_executingFullWorkflow           04_buildingAnOpenFOAMContainer           06_advancedUseOfOverlayFS
     03_compileAndExecuteUsersOwnTools  05_useOverlayFSForReducingNumberOfFiles
  3. To shrink the prompt information (instead of displaying the user and the full current path) copy/paste the following variable set:

     espinosa@zeus-1:/scratch/pawsey0001/espinosa/pawseyTraining/containers-openfoam-workshop-scripts> PS1='\[$(ppwd)\]\h:${PWD/*\//}> '