Compile and execute user's own tools


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • How can users execute tools that are not initially installed inside the container?

  • Compile and execute user’s own tools with the compiler and OpenFOAM installation of an existing container


0. Introduction

Users own tools

  • One of the attractive features of OpenFOAM is the possibility of building your own tools/solvers
  • And execute them together with the whole OpenFOAM environment
  • OpenFOAM containers are usually equipped only with the standard tools/solvers
  • Nevertheless, users can still compile their own tools and use them with a standard container
  • The trick is to bind the local host directory to the path where the internal installation looks for user’s source files/tools: WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR


0.I Accessing the scripts for this episode

In this whole episode, we make use of a series of scripts to cover a typical compilation/execution workflow. Lets start by listing the scripts.

  1. cd into the directory where the provided scripts are. In this case we’ll use OpenFOAM-v1912.

    zeus-1:~> cd $MYSCRATCH/pawseyTraining/containers-openfoam-workshop-scripts
    zeus-1:*-scripts> cd 03_compileAndExecuteUsersOwnTools/example_OpenFOAM-v1912
    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls  projectUserDir        run
  2. Quickly read one of the scripts, for example We recommed the following text readers:

    • view (navigate with up and down arrows, use :q or :q! to quit)
    • or less (navigate with up and down arrows, use q to quit) (this one does not have syntax highlight)
    • If you are using an editor to read the scripts, DO NOT MODIFY THEM! because your exercise could mess up
    • (Try your own settings after succeding with the original exercise, ideally in a copy of the script)
    zeus-1:*-v1912> view


Sections and scripts for this episode

  • In the following sections, there are instructions for submitting these job scripts for execution in the supercomputer one by one:
    • (already pre-executed) is for copying the source files of an existing solver into our local file system
    • After the copy, the script above also renames the solver as a user’s own solver myPimpleFoam
    • is for compiling user’s own solver
    • (already pre-executed) is for copying a tutorial from the interior of the container into our local file system
    • (already pre-executed) is for modifying the tutorial to comply with Pawsey’s best practices
    • is for meshing and decomposing the intial conditions of the case
    • is for executing the user’s own solver


So how will this episode flow?

  • The script of section “A” has already been pre-executed.
  • We’ll start with a detailed explanation at the end of section “A. Cloning of the solver”.
  • And continue the explanation through all section “B. compileMyPimpleFoam”.
  • Users will then jump to section E. and proceed by themselves afterwards.
  • At the end, of each section we’ll discuss the main instructions within the scripts and the whole process.


A. Cloning a standard solver into user’s own solver myPimpleFoam

The script

Main command in the script:

srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage bash -c 'cp -r $WM_PROJECT_DIR/'"$appDirInside/$solverOrg $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew"
  • The WM_PROJECT_DIR variable only exist inside the container, that is why it is being evaluated using the bash -c command and the sigle quotes
  • (See the explanation of the bash -c command at the end of this section if needed)

Other important parts of the script:

#3. Define the user directory in the local host and the place where to put the solver
if ! [ -d $projectUserDir/applications ]; then
   mkdir -p $projectUserDir/applications
   echo "The directory $projectUserDir/applications already exists."
#4. Copy the solver from the inside of the container to the local file system
if ! [ -d $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew ]; then
   srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage bash -c 'cp -r $WM_PROJECT_DIR/'"$appDirInside/$solverOrg $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew"
   echo "The directory $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew already exists, no new copy has been performed"
  • (See the explanation of the bash -c command at the end of this section if needed)
#5. Going into the new solver directory
if [ -d $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew ]; then
   cd $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew
   echo "pwd=$(pwd)"
   echo "For some reason, the directory $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew, does not exist"
   echo "Exiting"; exit 1
#6. Remove not needed stuff
echo "Removing not needed stuff"
rm -rf *DyMFoam SRFP* *.dep
#7. Rename the source files and replace words inside for the new solver to be: "myPimpleFoam"
echo "Renaming the source files"
rename pimpleFoam myPimpleFoam *
sed -i 's,pimpleFoam,myPimpleFoam,g' *.C
sed -i 's,pimpleFoam,myPimpleFoam,g' *.H
#8. Modify files inside the Make directory to create the new executable in $FOAM_USER_APPBIN
echo "Adapting files inside the Make directory"
sed -i 's,pimpleFoam,myPimpleFoam,g' ./Make/files
sed -i 's,FOAM_APPBIN,FOAM_USER_APPBIN,g' ./Make/files

A.I Initial steps for dealing with this section - [Pre-Executed]

  1. Submit the job (no need for reservation as the script uses the copyq partition)

    zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch 
    Submitted batch job 4632458

A.II Final steps. To check the source code and important settings for the compilation:

  • Users stuff in the local host is saved under the ./projectUserDir.
  • At this point, it only has an applications folder where the new solver source files are kept:
  1. Check what is in the ./projectUserDir
    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls projectUserDir/ 
  2. cd into the myPimpleFoam folder within applications

    zeus-1:*-v1912> cd projectUserDir/applications/myPimpleFoam
    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> ls
    correctPhi.H  createFields.H  Make  myPimpleFoam.C  pEqn.H  UEqn.H
    • There is our own new solver to be compiled
  3. Take a quick look to the source file of the solver:

    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> view myPimpleFoam.C
    • Discussion of the intrinsics of the solver are out of the scope of this training
    • But we know it works because it is an exact replica of the standard pimpleFoam solver (but renamed)
  4. Inside the Make directory there are two important files:

    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> cd Make
    zeus-1:Make> ls
    files  options
  5. In the file options there is a list of the OpenFOAM libraries to be included in the solver:

    zeus-1:Make> cat options
    EXE_INC = \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/meshTools/lnInclude \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/sampling/lnInclude \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/TurbulenceModels/turbulenceModels/lnInclude \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/TurbulenceModels/incompressible/lnInclude \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels/incompressible/singlePhaseTransportModel \
        -I$(LIB_SRC)/dynamicMesh/lnInclude \
    EXE_LIBS = \
        -lfiniteVolume \
        -lfvOptions \
        -lmeshTools \
        -lsampling \
        -lturbulenceModels \
        -lincompressibleTurbulenceModels \
        -lincompressibleTransportModels \
        -ldynamicMesh \
        -ldynamicFvMesh \
        -ltopoChangerFvMesh \
  6. In the file files there is a setting for the place where the final executable binary will be created:

    zeus-1:Make> cat files
    EXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/myPimpleFoam


A.III The FOAM_USER_APPBIN, the WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR and other OpenFOAM environment variables

  • OpenFOAM makes use of several environmet variables.
  • Most of those variables start with FOAM_ and WM_.
  • The setting of those variables is usually performed by sourcing the bashrc file
  • For our images, that bashrc file is in /opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/etc
  • For our Singularity images, this file is sourced every time the container is ran (so no additional sourcing is needed)
  • (If executing the Docker image elsewhere, the you will indeed need to source the bashrc file)


  1. To check a clean list of the variables (defined inside the container) you can use:

    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> module load singularity 
    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> theImage=/group/singularity/pawseyRepository/OpenFOAM/openfoam-v1912-pawsey.sif 
    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> singularity exec $theImage bash -c 'awk "BEGIN{for(v in ENVIRON) print v}" | egrep "FOAM_|WM_" | sort'
    • For anything related to OpenFOAM environmental variables, we recommend the use of the bash -c command
    • (See the explanation of the bash -c command at the end of this section if needed)
  2. The main variables of interst here are WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR, FOAM_USER_APPBIN and FOAM_USER_LIBBIN:

    zeus-1:myPimpleFoam> singularity exec $theImage bash -c 'printenv | grep "_USER_" | sort -r'
    FOAM_SETTINGS=bash -c printenv | grep "_USER_" | sort -r
    • WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR is the base path where user’s stuff is stored
    • FOAM_USER_APPBIN is the place where the binary executables of user’s own solvers are stored and looked for
    • FOAM_USER_LIBBIN is the place where user’s own libraries are stored and looked for
    • As you can see, the APPBIN and LIBBIN paths are under the WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR path
    • Internal directories of the container are non-writable
    • But we’ll bind a local directory (with -B option) to the path of WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR to make things work


The bash -c command and the single quotes

The bash command creates a new bash kernel for execution. Together with the -c option, we can define a command to be executed inside that new bash kernel. The use of bash -c is very important and useful for the execution of OpenFOAM containers. You will notice that and lear its usage along the several episodes of this workshop.

For now, we can try to echo the content of the FOAM_TUTORIALS variable from the command line (non-interactively). First we exemplify some failed attempts and then the use of bash -c.

A first (ineffective) try could be:

zeus-1:*-v1912> theImage="/group/singularity/pawseyRepository/OpenFOAM/openfoam-v1912-pawsey.sif"
zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec $theImage echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS

  • echo is ran within the container.
  • But the command did not work because $FOAM_TUTORIALS is being evaluated in the host kernel before passing the arguments to the containerxi
  • And, in the host kernel, that variable does not exist:
zeus-1:*-v1912> echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS


A second (ineffective) try could be:

zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec $theImage echo '$FOAM_TUTORIALS'
  • Did not work because echo now understands to display the exact string but not the content of the variable.


A third (ineffective) try could be the use of bash -c with double quotes:

zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec $theImage bash -c "echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS"

  • Almost there, but it did not work because due to the double-apostrophes.
  • Yes, the echo command is being evaluated inside the new bash kernel created by the bash -c command (inside the container)
  • But the double apostrophes allow the evaluation of the variables inside the quote in the host kernel at the command line.
  • Then, $FOAM_TUTORIALS is being evaluated again in the host kernel (where it has no value) before passing the arguments to the container.


Finally, this one works (correct use of bash -c and single quotes):

zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec $theImage bash -c 'echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS'
  • Yes, the echo command is being evaluated inside the new bash kernel created by the bash -c command (inside the container)
  • The exact string 'echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS' is passed as an argument without being evaluated by the host kernel.
  • The argument is then received correctly by the new bash kernel inside the container
  • As the variable exists inside the container, then the value can be displayed.


Note that without bash -c things do not work either:

zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec $theImage 'echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS'
/.singularity.d/actions/exec: line 21: exec: echo $FOAM_TUTORIALS: not found


B. Compilation of myPimpleFoam

The binding

  • As mentioned above, the trick is to bind a directory in the local host to the internal path where WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR point to
  • Inspect the script to check specific command syntax

The script

Main command in the script

srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-$theVersion $theImage wmake

Other important parts of the script:

#3. Going into the new solver directory and creating the logs directory
if [ -d $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew ]; then
   cd $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew
   echo "pwd=$(pwd)"
   echo "For some reason, the directory $projectUserDir/applications/$solverNew, does not exist"
   echo "Exiting"; exit 1
if ! [ -d $logsDir ]; then
   mkdir -p $logsDir
#4. Use container's "wclean" to clean previously existing compilation 
echo "Cleaning previous compilation"
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-$theVersion $theImage wclean 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/wclean.$SLURM_JOBID
#5. Use container's "wmake" (and compiler) to compile your own tool
echo "Compiling myPimpleFoam"
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-$theVersion $theImage wmake 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/wmake.$SLURM_JOBID
#6. Very simple test of the new solver
echo "Performing a basic test"
singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-$theVersion $theImage myPimpleFoam -help | tee $logsDir/myPimpleFoam.$SLURM_JOBID

B.I Steps for dealing with the compilation:

  1. From the scripts directory, submit the compilation script (use the reservation for the workshop if available):
    zeus-1:*-v1912> myReservation=containers 
    zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 

    If you do not have a reservation

    Then, submit normally (or choose the best partition for executing the exercise, the debugq for example:)

       zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch -p debugq
    Submitted batch job 4632558
  2. Check that the new solver binary is now under the projectUserDir/platforms tree
    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls projectUserDir
    applications   platforms
    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls -la projectUserDir/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin
    total 832
    drwxrws---+ 2 espinosa pawsey0001   4096 May 24 10:59 .
    drwxrws---+ 3 espinosa pawsey0001   4096 May 23 20:23 ..
    -rwxrwx--x+ 1 espinosa pawsey0001 840664 May 24 10:59 myPimpleFoam
  3. You can check the slurm-4632558.out or the log file created by tee in the job-script (use the SLURM_JOBID of your job):

    zeus-1:*-v1912> cat projectUserDir/applications/myPimpleFoam/logs/compile/wmake.4632558 
    Making dependency list for source file myPimpleFoam.C
    g++ -std=c++11 -m64 -DOPENFOAM=1912 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-attributes -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-100 -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/meshTools/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/sampling/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/TurbulenceModels/turbulenceModels/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/TurbulenceModels/incompressible/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/transportModels -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/transportModels/incompressible/singlePhaseTransportModel -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/dynamicMesh/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/dynamicFvMesh/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC -c myPimpleFoam.C -o Make/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/myPimpleFoam.o
    g++ -std=c++11 -m64 -DOPENFOAM=1912 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-attributes -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-100 -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/meshTools/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/sampling/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/TurbulenceModels/turbulenceModels/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/TurbulenceModels/incompressible/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/transportModels -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/transportModels/incompressible/singlePhaseTransportModel -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/dynamicMesh/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/dynamicFvMesh/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC -Xlinker --add-needed -Xlinker --no-as-needed Make/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/myPimpleFoam.o -L/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1912/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib \
        -lfiniteVolume -lfvOptions -lmeshTools -lsampling -lturbulenceModels -lincompressibleTurbulenceModels -lincompressibleTransportModels -ldynamicMesh -ldynamicFvMesh -ltopoChangerFvMesh -latmosphericModels -lOpenFOAM -ldl  \
         -lm -o /home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-v1912/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/myPimpleFoam
  4. You can check the log for the mini-test of the solver:

    zeus-1:*-v1912> cat projectUserDir/applications/myPimpleFoam/logs/compile/myPimpleFoam.4632558 
    Usage: myPimpleFoam [OPTIONS]
      -case <dir>       Specify case directory to use (instead of the cwd)
      -decomposeParDict <file>
                        Use specified file for decomposePar dictionary
      -dry-run          Check case set-up only using a single time step
      -dry-run-write    Check case set-up and write only using a single time step
      -parallel         Run in parallel
      -postProcess      Execute functionObjects only
      -doc              Display documentation in browser
      -help             Display short help and exit
      -help-full        Display full help and exit
    Transient solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of Newtonian fluids on a
    moving mesh.
    Using: OpenFOAM-v1912 (1912) - visit
    Build: _f3950763fe-20191219
    Arch:  LSB;label=32;scalar=64
  5. Or you can perform that basic mini-test from the command line (binding the local projectUserDir directory):

    zeus-1:*-v1912> module load singularity
    zeus-1:*-v1912> theImage=/group/singularity/pawseyRepository/OpenFOAM/openfoam-v1912-pawsey.sif
    zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec -B ./projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-v1912 $theImage myPimpleFoam -help 
    Usage: myPimpleFoam [OPTIONS]
      -case <dir>       Specify case directory to use (instead of the cwd)
      -decomposeParDict <file>
                        Use specified file for decomposePar dictionary
      -dry-run          Check case set-up only using a single time step
      -dry-run-write    Check case set-up and write only using a single time step
      -parallel         Run in parallel
      -postProcess      Execute functionObjects only
      -doc              Display documentation in browser
      -help             Display short help and exit
      -help-full        Display full help and exit
    Transient solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of Newtonian fluids on a
    moving mesh.
    Using: OpenFOAM-v1912 (1912) - visit
    Build: _f3950763fe-20191219
    Arch:  LSB;label=32;scalar=64
  6. (If you do not use the binding, the solver will not be found):

    zeus-1:*-v1912> singularity exec $theImage myPimpleFoam -help 
    /.singularity.d/actions/exec: line 21: exec: myPimpleFoam: not found


C. Extraction of the tutorial: channel395

The script (main parts to be discussed):

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --partition=copyq #Ideally, you should be using the copyq for this kind of processes
#4. Copy the tutorialCase to the workingDir
if ! [ -d $caseDir ]; then
   srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage bash -c 'cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/'"$tutorialCase $caseDir"
   echo "The case=$caseDir already exists, no new copy has been performed"

C.I Steps for dealing with the extraction of the “channel395” case: - [Pre-Executed]

  1. Submit the job (no need for reservation as the script uses the copyq partition)

    zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch 
    Submitted batch job 4632458
  2. Check its status in the queue:

    zeus-1:*-v1912> squeue -u $USER
    4632468  espinosa pawsey0001  workq      C.extractTutor       n/a PD       None          N/A          N/A       5:00     1      75190
  • If no status is shown, it may have finished execution already.
  1. Check that the tutorial has been copied to our host file system

    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls ./run/channel395/
    0  0.orig  Allrun  constant  system


D. Adapt the case to your needs (and Pawsey best practices)

The script (main parts to be discussed):

#5. Defining OpenFOAM controlDict settings for Pawsey Best Practices
##5.1 Replacing writeFormat, runTimeModifiable and purgeRight settings
sed -i 's,^writeFormat.*,writeFormat    '"$foam_writeFormat"';,' ./system/controlDict
sed -i 's,^runTimeModifiable.*,runTimeModifiable    '"$foam_runTimeModifiable"';,' ./system/controlDict
sed -i 's,^purgeWrite.*,purgeWrite    '"$foam_purgeWrite"';,' ./system/controlDict
##5.2 Defining the use of collated fileHandler of output results 
echo "OptimisationSwitches" >> ./system/controlDict
echo "{" >> ./system/controlDict
echo "   fileHandler collated;" >> ./system/controlDict
echo "}" >> ./system/controlDict

D.I Steps for dealing with the adaptation of the case: - [Pre-Executed]

  1. Submit the adaptation script

    zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch 
    Submitted batch job 4632548
  2. Check the adapted settings

    zeus-1:*-v1912> cd run/channel395
    zeus-1:channel395> ls
    0  0.orig  Allrun  constant  system
    • Initial conditions are in the subdirectory 0
    • Mesh and fluid prperties definition are under the tree of the subdirectory constant
    • Solver settings are in the “dictionaries” inside the system subdirectory

    Read the controlDict dictionary:

    zeus-1:channel395> view system/controlDict

    The settings that were adapted in ..../run/channel395/system/controlDict

    • To keep only a few result directories at a time (10 maximum in this case)
       purgeWrite      10;
    • To use binary writing format to accelerate writing and reduce the size of the files

       writeFormat     binary;
    • Never use runTimeModifiable. This option creates permanent reading of dictionaries (each time step) which overloads the shared file system.

       runTimeModifiable false;
    • If version is higher-or-equal than OpenFOAM-6 or OpenFOAM-v1812, always use the collated option

           fileHandler collated;


E. Decomposition

The script (main parts to be discussed):

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=4G
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=28
#SBATCH --clusters=zeus
#SBATCH --partition=workq
#SBATCH --time=0:10:00
#SBATCH --export=none
#6. Defining the ioRanks for collating I/O
# groups of 2 for this exercise (please read our documentation for the recommendations for production runs)
export FOAM_IORANKS='(0 2 4 6)'
#7. Perform all preprocessing OpenFOAM steps up to decomposition
echo "Executing blockMesh"
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage blockMesh 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/log.blockMesh.$SLURM_JOBID
echo "Executing decomposePar"
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage decomposePar -cellDist -force 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/log.decomposePar.$SLURM_JOBID

E.I Steps for dealing with decomposition:

  1. Submit the decomposition script from the scripts directory (use the reservation for the workshop if available)

    zeus-1:*-v1912> myReservation=containers
    zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 
    • If a reservation is not available, do not use the option. (Or you can use the debugq: --partition=debugq instead.)
    Submitted batch job 4632558
  2. Check that the decomposition has been performed:

    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls ./run/channel395/processor*
    0  constant
    0  constant
  3. You should also check for success/errors in:

    • the slurm output file: slurm-<SLURM_JOBID>.out
    • the log files created when executing the OpenFOAM tools in: ./run/channel395/logs/pre/


F. Executing the NEW solver “myPimpleFoam”

The binding

  • Again, the important concept here is the binding of the local folder for the container to be able to read the binary executable
  • And, obviously, to call the own solver: myPimpleFoam to perform the solution
  • Check the interior of the scripts for especific command syntax

The script

Main command in the script:

srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS -N $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-$theVersion $theImage $theSolver -parallel 2>&1

Other important parts of the script:

#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --mem=16G
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=28
#SBATCH --cluster=zeus
#5. Reading OpenFOAM decomposeParDict settings
foam_numberOfSubdomains=$(grep "^numberOfSubdomains" ./system/decomposeParDict | tr -dc '0-9')
#7. Checking if the number of tasks coincide with the number of subdomains
if [[ $foam_numberOfSubdomains -ne $SLURM_NTASKS ]]; then
   echo "foam_numberOfSubdomains read from ./system/decomposeParDict is $foam_numberOfSubdomains"
   echo "and"
   echo "SLURM_NTASKS in this job is $SLURM_NTASKS"
   echo "These should be the same"
   echo "Therefore, exiting this job"
   echo "Exiting"; exit 1
#8. Defining OpenFOAM controlDict settings for this run
#9. Changing OpenFOAM controlDict settings
sed -i 's,^startFrom.*,startFrom    '"$foam_startFrom"';,' system/controlDict
sed -i 's,^startTime.*,startTime    '"$foam_startTime"';,' system/controlDict
sed -i 's,^endTime.*,endTime    '"$foam_endTime"';,' system/controlDict
sed -i 's,^writeInterval.*,writeInterval    '"$foam_writeInterval"';,' system/controlDict
sed -i 's,^purgeWrite.*,purgeWrite    '"$foam_purgeWrite"';,' system/controlDict
#10. Defining the solver
#11. Defining the projectUserDir to be mounted into the path of the internal WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR
#12. Execute the case 
echo "About to execute the case"
srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS -N $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-$theVersion $theImage $theSolver -parallel 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/log.$theSolver.$SLURM_JOBID
echo "Execution finished"

F.I Steps for dealing with the solver

  1. Submit the solver script (from the scripts directory)

    zeus-1:*-v1912> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 
    • If a reservation is not available, do not use the option. (Or you can use the debugq: --partition=debugq instead.)
    Submitted batch job 4632685 on cluster zeus
  2. Check that the solver is running:

    zeus-1:*-v1912> squeue -u $USER
    4632685  espinosa pawsey0001  workq       n/a PD  Resources     17:09:28     17:19:28      10:00     1      75190 
  3. Observe the output of the job with tail -f at runtime (use <Ctrl-C> to exit the command):
    zeus-1:*-v1912> tail -f slurm-4632685.out
    Time = 0.2
    PIMPLE: iteration 1
    smoothSolver:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.0118746, Final residual = 1.89249e-06, No Iterations 3
    smoothSolver:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.0617212, Final residual = 1.68113e-06, No Iterations 4
    smoothSolver:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.0589944, Final residual = 9.70923e-06, No Iterations 3
    Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.13369, pressure gradient = -0.000964871
    GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.213844, Final residual = 0.00414884, No Iterations 2
    time step continuity errors : sum local = 5.82807e-06, global = -1.41211e-19, cumulative = -1.41211e-19
    Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.133687, pressure gradient = -0.000947989
    GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0222643, Final residual = 4.30412e-07, No Iterations 7
    time step continuity errors : sum local = 5.63638e-10, global = -2.40486e-19, cumulative = -3.81697e-19
    Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.133687, pressure gradient = -0.000947874
    ExecutionTime = 0.25 s  ClockTime = 0 s
    • Press <Ctrl-C> to exit tail
  4. Check that the solver gave some results:

    zeus-1:*-v1912> ls ./run/channel395/processor*
    0  10  8.2  8.4  8.6  8.8  9  9.2  9.4  9.6  9.8  constant
    0  10  8.2  8.4  8.6  8.8  9  9.2  9.4  9.6  9.8  constant
  5. You should also check for success/errors in:
    • the slurm output file: slurm-<SLURM_JOBID>.out
    • the log files created when executing the OpenFOAM tools in: ./run/channel395/logs/run/


Z. Further notes on how to use OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM containers at Pawsey

The usage of OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM containers at Pawsey has already been described in our documentation: OpenFOAM documentation at Pawsey

and in a technical newsletter note:


Key Points

  • Define a host directory that will play the role of WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR

  • For example, projectUserDir=./anyDirectory

  • Then bind that directory to the path defined inside for WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR

  • For this exercise, singularity exec -B $projectUserDir:/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/ofuser-v1912 $theImage <mySolver> <myOptions>