Advanced scripts for postprocessing with OverlayFS


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • How can I postprocess a large number of results?

  • Use provided scripts to postprocess a large number of results without increasing dramatically the existing number of files in the system


0. Introduction

Postprocessing results in batches

  • The workflow presented here is extremelly similar to that in the previous episode (please study previous one first)
  • Some minor differences in this episode are: 1) the overlay* files are kept in the directory ./overlayFSDir, and 2) the renamed bak.processor* directories are moved to the directory ./bakDir
  • And the main difference from the previous episode is: the reconstruction of the existing results can handle many time-results in the same job
  • Nevertheless, in order to avoid the creation of a large number of files in the host file system, the extraction of the result-times from the overlayFS files is performed in batches of small size
  • All the decomposed result-times of each small batch are postprocessed (reconstructed) and then deleted before the following batch is extracted/processed

Use of bash functions

  • Another difference in the workflow scripts for this episode is the use of bash functions
  • These functions are defined in a separate bash script contained in the directory named ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts
  • That script is sourced from all the workflow (A,B,C..G) scripts
  • In practice, users should keep this directory in a known location and source the definition of bash functions from there

0.I Accessing the scripts for this episode

In this episode, we make use of a series of scripts to cover a typical compilation/execution workflow. Lets start by listing the scripts.

  1. List the content of the A1_auxiliaryScripts directory:

    zeus-1:~> cd $MYSCRATCH/pawseyTraining/containers-openfoam-workshop-scripts
    zeus-1:*-scripts> ls A1_auxiliaryScripts
    • This file contains the definition of several functions utilised within the workflow scripts


  1. cd into the directory that contains the scripts for executing the workflow of this exercise. In this case we’ll use OpenFOAM-2.4.x.

    zeus-1:*-scripts> cd 06_advancedScriptsForPostProcessingWithOverlayFS/example_OpenFOAM-2.4.x
    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> ls  run          


Sections and scripts for this episode

  • In the following sections, there are instructions for submitting these workflow scripts for execution in the supercomputer one by one:
    • (already pre-executed) is for copying an adapting a case to solve
    • is decomposing the case to solve
    • is for creating the OverlayFS files to store the result
    • is for executing the solver (and writing results to the interior of the overlay files)
    • is for reconstructing several result-times in batches
    • is for extracting a batch of result-times from the overlay files (no reconstruction)
    • is for reconstructing existing results in the bak.processor* directories


    • is a script that defines the settings for using OpenFOAM within all the workflow scripts (it is being sourced from all the A,B,C,..G scripts)
    • is a script that defines the settings for using Singularity within all the other scripts (it is being sourced from all the workflow scripts)


    • ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/ is the script that contains the definition of the bash functions utilised in the workflow scripts (This script is sourced from all the workflow scripts)


So how will this episode flow?

  • The script of section “A. has already been pre-executed.
  • The usage of these scripts is extremely similar to that of previous episode (we recommend to practise previous episode first)
  • Additional explanations are dedicated to the use of the bash functions
  • And on the reconstruction made in batches (section E.)
  • Sections F. and G. are left to the user to explore by themselves


A. Extract and adapt the tutorial to be solved - [Pre-Executed]

The script (main parts to be discussed):

#1. Loading the container settings, case settings and auxiliary functions (order is important)

The script (main sections to be discussed):

#Module environment
module load singularity
#Defining the container to be used
#Defining the path of the auxiliary scripts for dealing with overlayFS
#(Define the path to a more permanent directory for production workflows)

The script (main sections to be discussed):

#Choosing the tutorial case
#Choosing the working directory for the case to solve
if ! [ -d $baseWorkingDir ]; then
    echo "Creating baseWorkingDir=$baseWorkingDir"
    mkdir -p $baseWorkingDir

A.I Steps for dealing with the extraction and adaptation of the case to be solved

  1. Submit the job (no need for reservation as the script uses the copyq partition)

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> sbatch 
    Submitted batch job 4632758
  2. Check that the tutorial has been copied to our host file system

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> ls ./run/channel395/
    0  0.orig  Allrun  constant  system
  3. Read the controlDict dictionary:

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> view ./run/channel395/system/controlDict

    The settings that were adapted in ./run/channel395/system/controlDict

    • To use binary writing format to accelerate writing and reduce the size of the files

       writeFormat     binary;
    • Never use runTimeModifiable. This option creates permanent reading of dictionaries (each time step) which overloads the shared file system.

       runTimeModifiable false;


B. Decomposition

The script (main points to be discussed):

#1. Loading the container settings, case settings and auxiliary functions (order is important)

The script (main sections to be discussed):

#Module environment
module load singularity
#Defining the container to be used
#Defining the path of the auxiliary scripts for dealing with overlayFS
#(Define the path to a more permanent directory for production workflows)

The script (main sections to be discussed):

#Choosing the working directory for the case to solve
if ! [ -d $baseWorkingDir ]; then
    echo "Creating baseWorkingDir=$baseWorkingDir"
    mkdir -p $baseWorkingDir
#7. Perform all preprocessing OpenFOAM steps up to decomposition
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage blockMesh 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/log.blockMesh
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage decomposePar -cellDist 2>&1 | tee $logsDir/log.decomposePar

B.I Steps for dealing with decomposition:

  1. Submit the decomposition script from the scripts directory (use the reservation for the workshop if available)

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> myReservation=containers
    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 
    • If a reservation is not available, do not use the option. (Or you can use the debugq: --partition=debugq instead.)
    Submitted batch job 4632558
  2. Check that the decomposition has been performed:

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> ls ./run/channel395/processor*
    0  constant
    0  constant
    0  constant
    0  constant
    0  constant
    • Note that one processor* directory was created per numberOfSubdomains (The number of subdomains is set in the system/decomposeParDict dictionary)
    • Also note that this tutorial uses 5 subdomains (and 5 cores when executing the solver (below))
  3. You should also check for success/errors in:

    • the slurm output file: slurm-<SLURM_JOBID>.out
    • the log files created when executing the OpenFOAM tools in: ./run/channel395/logs/pre/


C. Setup the overlayFS

The script (main points to be discussed):

#SBATCH --ntasks=4 #Several tasks will be used for copying files. (Independent from the numberOfSubdomains)
#1. Loading the container settings, case settings and auxiliary functions (order is important)

The script (main sections to be discussed):

#Module environment
module load singularity
#Defining the container to be used
#Defining settings for the OverlayFS
#Defining the path of the auxiliary scripts for dealing with overlayFS
#(Define the path to a more permanent directory for production workflows)

The script (main sections to be discussed):

#Choosing the working directory for the case to solve
if ! [ -d $baseWorkingDir ]; then
    echo "Creating baseWorkingDir=$baseWorkingDir"
    mkdir -p $baseWorkingDir
#Defining the name of the directory inside the overlay* files at which results will be saved
#3. Create the directory where the OverlayFS files are going to be kept
if ! [ -d ./overlayFSDir ]; then
   echo "Creating the directory ./overlayFSDir which will contain the overlay* files:"
   mkdir -p ./overlayFSDir
   echo "For some reason, the directory ./overlayFSDir for saving the overlay* files already exists:"
   echo "Warning:No creation needed"
#5. Rename the processor* directories into bak.processor* and move them into ./bakDir
#(OpenFOAM wont be able to see these directories)
#(Access will be performed through soft links)
echo "Renaming the processor directories"
rename processor bak.processor processor*
if ! [ -d ./bakDir ]; then
   echo "Creating the directory ./bakDir that will contain the bak.processor* directories:"
   mkdir -p ./bakDir
   echo "For some reason, the directory ./bakDir for containing the bak.processor* dirs already exists:"
   echo "Warning:No creation needed"

if ! [ -d ./bakDir/bak.processor0 ]; then
   echo "Moving all bak.processor* directories into ./bakDir"
   mv bak.processor* ./bakDir
   echo "The directory ./bakDir/bak.processor0 already exists"
   echo "No move/replacement of bak.processor* directories will be performed"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
#6. Creating a first ./overlayFSDir/overlayII file (./overlayFSDir/overlay0)
createOverlay0 $overlaySizeGb;success=$? #Calling the function for creating the ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 file
if [ $success -eq 222 ]; then 
   echo "./overlayFSDir/overlay0 already exists"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
elif [ $success -ne 0 ]; then 
   echo "Failed creating ./overlayFSDir/overlay0, exiting"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
  • Note the use of the createOverlay0 function
  • The function receives as an argument the size (in Gb) of the file to be created
  • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
  • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


#7. Replicating the ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 file into the needed number of ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files (as many as processors*)
echo "Replication ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 into the rest of the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files"
for ii in $(seq 1 $(( foam_numberOfSubdomains - 1 ))); do
    if [ -f ./overlayFSDir/overlay${ii} ]; then
       echo "./overlayFSDir/overlay${ii} already exists"
       echo "Deal with it first and remove it from the working directory"
       echo "Exiting";exit 1
       echo "Replicating ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 into ./overlayFSDir/overlay${ii}"
       srun -n 1 -N 1 --mem-per-cpu=0 --exclusive cp ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 ./overlayFSDir/overlay${ii} &
#8. Creating the processor* directories inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files
createInsideProcessorDirs $insideDir $foam_numberOfSubdomains;success=$? #Calling the function for creatingthe inside directories 
if [ $success -eq 222 ]; then 
   echo "$insideDir/processor0 already exists inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 file"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
elif [ $success -ne 0 ]; then 
   echo "Failed creating the inside directories, exiting"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
  • Note the use of the createInsideProcessorDirs function
  • The function receives as arguments: 1) the path inside the OverlayFS files where to create the processor* dirs, and 2) the number of subdomains.
  • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
  • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


#9. Transfer the content of the ./bakDir/bak.processor* directories into the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files
echo "Copying OpenFOAM the files inside ./bakDir/bak.processor* into the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files"
copyIntoOverlayII './bakDir/bak.processor${ii}/*' "$insideDir/"'processor${ii}/' "$foam_numberOfSubdomains" "true";success=$? 
if [ $success -ne 0 ]; then 
   echo "Failed creating the inside directories, exiting"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
  • Note the use of the copyIntoOverlayII function
  • The function receives as arguments: 1) the source of the copy, 2) the destination, 3) the number of subdomains and 4) a boolean for replacing content or not
  • Note the use of single quotes for passing the wildcard ‘*’ to the function without evaluation
  • Also note the use of single quotes ‘…${ii}…’ in the place where the number of the overlay${ii} (or processor${ii}) is needed
  • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
  • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


#10. Mark the initial conditions time directory as already fully reconstructed
echo "Marking the time directory \"0\" as fully reconstructed"
touch 0/.reconstructDone
  • A dummy empty and hidden file named .reconstructDone is used to mark those result-times that have been successfully reconstructed
  • In this case, as the time 0 is originally reconstructed by default, it is marked


#11. List the content of directories inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files
echo "Listing the content in ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 $insideDir/processor0"
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec --overlay ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 $theImage ls -lat $insideDir/processor0/

C.I Steps for dealing with the Overlay setup

  1. Submit the solver script (from the scripts directory)

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 
    • If a reservation is not available, do not use the option. (Or you can use the debugq: --partition=debugq instead.)
    Submitted batch job 4642685 on cluster zeus
  2. Check that the processor* directories were renamed/moved to ./bakDir/bak.processor*:

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> cd run/channel395
    zeus-1:channel395> ls ./bakDir
    bak.processor0  bak.processor1  bak.processor2  bak.processor3  bak.processor4
    • All processor* directories have been renamed/moved to ./bakDir/bak.processor*
  3. Check that ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files exist:

    zeus-1:channel395> ls ./overlayFSDir
    overlay0  overlay1  overlay2  overlay3  overlay4
    • All ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files exist
  4. Explore the content of one of the overlay files:

    zeus-1:channel395> module load singularity
    zeus-1:channel395> theImage=/group/singularity/pawseyRepository/OpenFOAM/openfoam-2.4.x-pawsey.sif
    zeus-1:channel395> insideDir=/overlayOpenFOAM/run/channel395
    zeus-1:channel395> singularity exec --overlay ./overlayFSDir/overlay1 $theImage ls -lat $insideDir/processor1/
    total 16
    drwxr-s---+ 4 espinosa pawsey0001 4096 May 24 20:38 .
    drwxr-s---+ 2 espinosa pawsey0001 4096 May 24 20:38 0
    drwxr-s---+ 3 espinosa pawsey0001 4096 May 24 20:38 constant
    drwxr-s---+ 3 espinosa pawsey0001 4096 May 24 20:38 ..


D. Executing the solver

The D.runFoam script (main points to be discussed):

#SBATCH --ntasks=5
#5. Defining OpenFOAM controlDict settings for this run
foam_purgeWrite=0 #Just for testing in this exercise. In reality this should have a reasonable value if possible
#foam_purgeWrite=10 #Just 10 times will be preserved
#7. Creating soft links towards directories inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files
#These links and directories will be recognized by each mpi instance of the container
#(Initially these links will appear broken as they are pointing towards the interior of the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files.
# They will only be recognized within the containers)
pointToOverlay $insideDir $foam_numberOfSubdomains;success=$? #Calling function to point towards the interior
if [ $success -ne 0 ]; then
   echo "Failed creating the soft links"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
  • Note the use of the pointToOverlay function
  • The function receives as arguments: 1) the path inside the OverlayFS files where to create the processor* dirs, and 2) the number of subdomains.
  • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
  • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


#8. Execute the case 
echo "About to execute the case"
srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS -N $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES bash -c "singularity exec --overlay ./overlayFSDir/"'overlay${SLURM_PROCID}'" $theImage pimpleFoam -parallel 2>&1" | tee $logsDir/log.pimpleFoam.$SLURM_JOBID
echo "Execution finished"
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Note that the singularity command is called inside a bash -c command
  • This is the way we allow each MPI task to pick a different ./overlayFSDir/overlay* file through the SLURM_PROCID variable
  • Here, SLURM_PROCID is slurm environment variable which needs to be evaluated when executing the container, so we use the section in single quotes '...' to allow the internal evaluation of that variable
  • Here, theImage is not a global environment variable, is evaluated by the host shell in a section with double quotes "..." at the command line
  • The total string passed to bash -c is the concatenation of two doble quotes sections with a single quotes section in between


#10. List the existing times inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 
echo "Listing the available times inside ./overlayFSDir/overlay0"
srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec --overlay ./overlayFSDir/overlay0 $theImage ls -lat processor0/

D.I Steps for dealing with the solver

  1. Submit the solver script (from the scripts directory)

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 
    • If a reservation is not available, do not use the option. (Or you can use the debugq: --partition=debugq instead.)
    Submitted batch job 4632685 on cluster zeus
  2. Check that the solver is running:

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> squeue -u $USER
    4632685  espinosa pawsey0001  workq       n/a PD  Resources     17:09:28     17:19:28      10:00     1      75190 

    Observe the output of the job with tail -f at runtime (use <Ctrl-C> to exit the command):

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> tail -f slurm-4632685.out
    Time = 0.2
    PIMPLE: iteration 1
    smoothSolver:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.0118746, Final residual = 1.89249e-06, No Iterations 3
    smoothSolver:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.0617212, Final residual = 1.68113e-06, No Iterations 4
    smoothSolver:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.0589944, Final residual = 9.70923e-06, No Iterations 3
    Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.13369, pressure gradient = -0.000964871
    GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.213844, Final residual = 0.00414884, No Iterations 2
    time step continuity errors : sum local = 5.82807e-06, global = -1.41211e-19, cumulative = -1.41211e-19
    Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.133687, pressure gradient = -0.000947989
    GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0222643, Final residual = 4.30412e-07, No Iterations 7
    time step continuity errors : sum local = 5.63638e-10, global = -2.40486e-19, cumulative = -3.81697e-19
    Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.133687, pressure gradient = -0.000947874
    ExecutionTime = 0.25 s  ClockTime = 0 s
  3. You can see in the case directory that now there are several processor* soft links
    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> cd run/channel395
    zeus-1:channel395> ls -lat 
    total 5242952
    drwxr-s---+ 12 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:55 .
    drwxrws---+  4 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:55 logs
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 espinosa pawsey0001         42 May 25 14:55 processor0 -> /overlayOpenFOAM/run/channel395/processor0
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 espinosa pawsey0001         42 May 25 14:55 processor1 -> /overlayOpenFOAM/run/channel395/processor1
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 espinosa pawsey0001         42 May 25 14:55 processor2 -> /overlayOpenFOAM/run/channel395/processor2
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 espinosa pawsey0001         42 May 25 14:55 processor3 -> /overlayOpenFOAM/run/channel395/processor3
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 espinosa pawsey0001         42 May 25 14:55 processor4 -> /overlayOpenFOAM/run/channel395/processor4
    drwxr-s---+  2 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:55 system
    drwxrws---+  4 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:53 bakDir
    drwxrws---+  4 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:53 overlayFSDir
    drwxr-s---+  2 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:53 0
    drwxr-s---+  3 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:53 constant
    drwxrws---+  3 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:03 ..
    drwxr-s---+  2 espinosa pawsey0001       4096 May 25 14:03
    -rwxrwx---+  1 espinosa pawsey0001        483 May 25 14:03 Allrun
    • The processor* soft links are pointing to the directory structure that “lives” inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files
    zeus-1:channel395> ls -la processor1/ 
    ls: cannot access 'processor1/': No such file or directory
    • The host shell cannot read the directory structure inside the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files, and that is why the links appear broken
  4. Check that the solver gave some results by listing the interior of an overlay file:

    zeus-1:channel395> module load singularity
    zeus-1:channel395> theImage=/group/singularity/pawseyRepository/OpenFOAM/openfoam-2.4.x-pawsey.sif
    zeus-1:channel395> singularity exec --overlay ./overlayFSDir/overlay1 $theImage ls processor1/
    0    10.2  12.4  14.6  16.8  19    20.2  22.4  24.6  26.8  29	 30.2  32.4  34.6  36.8  39    5    7.2  9.4
    0.2  10.4  12.6  14.8  17    19.2  20.4  22.6  24.8  27    29.2  30.4  32.6  34.8  37	 39.2  5.2  7.4  9.6
    0.4  10.6  12.8  15    17.2  19.4  20.6  22.8  25    27.2  29.4  30.6  32.8  35    37.2  39.4  5.4  7.6  9.8
    0.6  10.8  13	 15.2  17.4  19.6  20.8  23    25.2  27.4  29.6  30.8  33    35.2  37.4  39.6  5.6  7.8  constant
    0.8  11    13.2  15.4  17.6  19.8  21	 23.2  25.4  27.6  29.8  31    33.2  35.4  37.6  39.8  5.8  8
    1    11.2  13.4  15.6  17.8  2	   21.2  23.4  25.6  27.8  3	 31.2  33.4  35.6  37.8  4     6    8.2
    1.2  11.4  13.6  15.8  18    2.2   21.4  23.6  25.8  28    3.2	 31.4  33.6  35.8  38	 4.2   6.2  8.4
    1.4  11.6  13.8  16    18.2  2.4   21.6  23.8  26    28.2  3.4	 31.6  33.8  36    38.2  4.4   6.4  8.6
    1.6  11.8  14	 16.2  18.4  2.6   21.8  24    26.2  28.4  3.6	 31.8  34    36.2  38.4  4.6   6.6  8.8
    1.8  12    14.2  16.4  18.6  2.8   22	 24.2  26.4  28.6  3.8	 32    34.2  36.4  38.6  4.8   6.8  9
    10   12.2  14.4  16.6  18.8  20    22.2  24.4  26.6  28.8  30	 32.2  34.4  36.6  38.8  40    7    9.2
    • (In this example the final time was set to be 40 to allow for the creation of more results)


  5. You should also check for success/errors in:
    • the slurm output file: slurm-<SLURM_JOBID>.out
    • the log files created when executing the OpenFOAM tools in: ./run/channel395/logs/run/


E. Reconstruction

No, unfortunately a container cannot mount more than 1 OverlayFS file at the same time

  • Yes, this implies that the results need to be copied back to the host file system before reconstruction
  • This is the inverse operation to the process of copying the initial decomposition into the OverlayFS files (explained at the beginning of this episode)
  • But in order to avoid the presence of many files in the host, this should be done by small batches:
    1. Copy small batch of results from the interior to the bak.processor* directories
    2. Now create processor* soft links to point to bak.processor* directories and not to the OverlayFS interior
    3. Reconstruct that small batch
    4. Remove the reconstructed result-times from the bak.processor* directories
    5. Continue the cycle in 1. again until postprocessing all the result-times needed


The script (main points to be discussed):

#SBATCH --ntasks=4 #Several tasks will be used for copying files. (Independent from the numberOfSubdomains)
#4. Create the reconstruction array, intended times to be reconstructed are set with the reconstructTimes var
#These formats are the only accepted by function "generateReconstructArray" (check the function definition for further information)
unset arrayReconstruct #This global variable will be re-created in the function below
generateReconstructArray "$reconstructTimes" "$insideDir";success=$? #Calling fucntion to generate "arrayReconstruct"
if [ $success -ne 0 ]; then
   echo "Failed creating the arrayReconstruct"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
  • Note the use of the generateReconstructArray function
  • The function receives as arguments: 1)the string defining the result-times to be reconstructed, and 2) the path inside the OverlayFS files where to create the processor* dirs
  • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
  • The GLOBAL array arrayReconstruct is unset before calling the function, and the function will create a new one with the result-times to be reconstructed
  • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


#5. Point the soft links to the ./bakDir/bak.processor* directories
pointToBak $foam_numberOfSubdomains;success=$? #Calling function to point towards the bak.processors
if [ $success -ne 0 ]; then
   echo "Failed creating the soft links"
   echo "Exiting";exit 1
  • Note the use of the pointToBak function
  • The function receives as argument the number of subdomains.
  • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
  • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


  • This variable sets the size of the batches to be postprocessed


  • The following sections are executed inside a loop (not shown here) as many times needed to postprocess all the result-times required batch by batch:
      ## 9. Copy from the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* the full batch into ./bakDir/bak.processor*
      unset arrayCopyIntoBak
      copyResultsIntoBak "$insideDir" "$foam_numberOfSubdomains" "$replace" "${arrayCopyIntoBak[@]}";success=$? #Calling the function to copy time directories into bak.processor*
      if [ $success -ne 0 ]; then
         echo "Failed transferring files into bak.processor* directories"
         echo "Exiting";exit 1
    • The array hereToDoReconstruct has the result-times to be processed in the current batch
    • Note the use of the copyResultsIntoBak function
    • The function receives as arguments: 1) the path inside the overlays, 2) the number of subdomains, 3) the indication for replacing or not already existing result-times in the bak directories and 4) the array with the result-times to process.
    • The returned value of the function is saved in the success variable and then checked
    • Read the definition of the function in ../../A1_auxiliaryScripts/


      ## 10. Reconstruct all times for this batch.
      echo "Start reconstruction"
      srun -n 1 -N 1 singularity exec $theImage reconstructPar -time ${timeString} 2>&1 | tee $logFileHere
    • The command in the srun line executes the reconstruction of the batch
    • The variable timeString has the list of the result-times to be reconstructed in each batch. This was set in a previous step (in step ## 8., not shown here)
    • The output of the reconstruction is saved in the file logFileHere (this file needs to be checked when reconstruction errors happen)
  • For more details of the logic of the loop refer to the full script itself

E.I Steps for dealing with reconstruction:

  1. Submit the reconstruction script (from the scripts directory)

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> sbatch --reservation=$myReservation 
    • If a reservation is not available, do not use the option. (Or you can use the debugq: --partition=debugq instead.)
    Submitted batch job 4632899 on cluster zeus
  2. Check that the reconstruction is being performed:

    zeus-1:*-2.4.x> cd run/channel395/
    zeus-1:channel395> watch ls ./bakDir/bak.processor0/ 
    • The command watch executes the ls of the content of ./bakDir/bak.processor0 every 2 seconds


    Every 2.0s: ls ./bakDir/bak.processor0/                                     Mon Jun 15 18:33:16 2020
    • You can watch the progress of the first batch being copied to the ./bakDir/bak.processor0 directory
    • The same is happening for the resto of the ./bakDir/bak.processor* directories
    • In this case maxTimeTransfersFromOverlays=10 (set within the script) is the size of the batches
    • After the copy of the first batch is finished, those result-times will be reconstructed
    • After succesful reconstruction, those result-times will be removed from the host file system


    Every 2.0s: ls ./bakDir/bak.processor0/                                     Mon Jun 15 18:35:36 2020
    • A few minutes later, the second batch is being copied to the bak.processor* directories
    • Note that the first batch of files have been removed already from the system


    Every 2.0s: ls ./bakDir/bak.processor0/                                    Mon Jun 15 18:39:16 2020
    • When finished, the earliest and the latest result-times were kept in the bak.processor* directories (although this can be modified within the scripts if desired)


    <CTRL>-C (to exit the watch command)
  3. Check for the existence of the reconstructed times:
    zeus-1:channel395> ls
    0  1.6  2.6  3.6  4.6  5.6  6.6  7.6  8.6  9.6             bak.processor2  overlay0  processor0  system
    0.2  1      1.8  2.8  3.8  4.8  5.8  6.8  7.8  8.8  9.8             bak.processor3  overlay1  processor1
    0.4  10     2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    Allrun          bak.processor4  overlay2  processor2
    0.6  1.2    2.2  3.2  4.2  5.2  6.2  7.2  8.2  9.2  bak.processor0  constant        overlay3  processor3
    0.8  1.4    2.4  3.4  4.4  5.4  6.4  7.4  8.4  9.4  bak.processor1  logs            overlay4  processor4
  4. You should also check for success/errors in:
    • the slurm output file: slurm-<SLURM_JOBID>.out
    • the log files created when executing the OpenFOAM tools in: ./run/channel395/logs/post/ (check the command for the reconstructPar command for understanding the naming convention of the log files. In this case, they contain the SLURM_JOBID and the first-last result-times reconstructed in each batch.


F. Extract from Overlay into Bak; and G. Reconstruct From Bak

F.G.I These scripts are left for the user to try by themselves

  • is for extracting a batch of result-times from the overlay files (no reconstruction)
  • is for reconstructing existing results in the bak.processor* directories

Z. Further notes on how to use OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM containers at Pawsey

More on OverlayFS for singularity in:

The usage of OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM containers at Pawsey has already been described in our documentation: OpenFOAM documentation at Pawsey

and in a technical newsletter note:


Key Points

  • No, unfortunately a container cannot mount more than 1 OverlayFS file at the same time

  • Yes, this implies that the results need to be copied back to the host file system before reconstruction

  • In order to avoid the presence of many files in the host, this should be done by small batches - 1.Copy small batch of results from the interior of the ./overlayFSDir/overlay* files towards the ./bakDir/bak.processor* directories in the host file system - 2.Now create processor* soft links to point to ./bakDir/bak.processor* directories and not to the directory structure inside the OverlayFS files - 3.Reconstruct that small batch - 4.Remove the decomposed result-times from the ./bakDir/bak.processor* directories. Only the fully reconstructed result-times are kept in the host. And the original decomposed results are only kept inside the OverlayFS files. - 5.Continue the cycle until postprocessing all the result-times needed