Python containers: build best practices


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 40 min

Useful base images

Depending on the type of application you need to containerise, various public images can represent an effective starting point, in shipping ready-to-use utilities that have been containerised, tested and optimised by their own authors. Relevant to this workshop are:

Other useful base images, not directly used in this context, include:

Note that the python, miniconda3, and intelpython images are all based on Debian OS (currently version 10 Buster). The Pawsey mpich-base and cuda images are based on Ubuntu 18.04.

All of the mentioned images are currently hosted in Docker Hub. In addition to the image itself, it is worth having an idea of what the corresponding Dockerfile looks like, both to know how the image was created and to get tips on how to optimally use it.
Having the Dockerfiles is also useful in case one needs an image with multiple utilities. Then, intelligently merging the Dockerfiles will do the job.

Some building best practices

Always keep in mind that writing a Dockerfile is almost an art, which you can refine over time with practice. Here we don’t mean to be exhaustive; instead, we’re providing some good practices to start with, with some Ubuntu/Debian examples where relevant. These practices will then be applied to the examples further down, and in the next episode.

  1. Condensate commands into few RUN instructions

    This reduces the number of image caching layers, and thus the total size of the Docker image.

    Why is it so?
    At one extreme, imagine one RUN per command. Any edit to the same files in the container or any deletion of unnecessary files would create a separate layer (i.e. snapshot). The final container would be larger.
    On the other extreme, concentrating every command in one RUN would minimise image size, as there would be one single layer. As a disadvantage, readability of the Dockerfile would be reduced, and caching during build would become less effective.

    In the end, the best practice is to group together commands that relate to the same component of the installation. Readability and caching are improved in this way, and you would not gain space anyway if you further grouped them, as these groups of commands operate on different files.

    Note how this is a benefit only for images in the Docker format. When converting to the Singularity SIF format, layers are squashed in a single object anyway.

  2. Clean the installation process

    Installation files that are not required by the application runtime can be deleted, contributing to reduce the final image size (when coupled with practice 1. above).

    As a first Ubuntu example, here’s how to run a clean apt installation:

    In our example with samtools, you would clean the apt installations with the following commands:

     RUN apt-get update \
           && apt-get -y install \
             build-essential \
             gfortran \
           && apt-get clean all && \
           apt-get purge && \
           rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

    and here is how to tidy up a software compilation:

     RUN mkdir -p /tmp/tool-build \
           && cd /tmp/tool-build \
           <INSTALL YOUR TOOL>
           && cd / \
           && rm -rf /tmp/tool-build
  3. Abstract package versions, if you can

    The ARG instruction can be used to define variables in the Dockerfile, that only exist within the build process. This can be especially useful to specify package versions in a more general and flexible way.

    As a general example:


    Then, you can use $TOOL_VERSION along the package build commands.

    A nice feature of docker build is that you can dynamically assign these ARG at build time using the --build-arg flag, e.g. if you want to install version 3.0:

     $ docker build -t tool --build-arg TOOL_VERSION="3.0" .
  4. Consider build reproducibility, if you can

    A big part of using containers is runtime reproducibility.

    However, it can be worth reflecting on build time reproducibility, too.
    In other words, if I re-run an image build with the same Dockerfile over time, am I getting the same image as output? This can be important for an image curator, to be able to guarantee to some extent that the image they’re build and shipping is the one they mean to.

    A couple of general advice here:

    • rely on explicit versioning of the key packages in your image as much as possible. This may include OS version, key library and key dependency versions, end-user application version (this latter is possibly obvious); typically this involves a trade-off between versioning too much and too little;
    • for Python/Conda, track versioned packages to install using a requirements approach; see examples further down;
    • avoid generic package manager update commands, which make you lose control on versions. In particular, you should avoid apt-get upgrade, pip install --upgrade, conda update and so on;
    • avoid downloading sources/binaries for latest versions, specify the version number instead.
  5. Know and set some useful environment variables

    Dockerfile installations are non-interactive by nature, i.e. no installer can ask you questions during the process.
    In Ubuntu/Debian, you can define a variable prior to running any apt command, that informs a shell in Ubuntu or Debian that you are not able to interact, so that no questions will be asked:

     ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"

    Another pair of useful variables, again to be put at the beginning of the Dockerfile, are:

     ENV LANG="C.UTF-8" LC_ALL="C.UTF-8"

    These variables are used to specify the language localisation, or locale, to the value C.UTF-8 in this case. Leaving this undefined can result, for some programs, in warnings or even in unintended behaviours (both at build and run time).

  6. Document your Dockerfile with labels

    This is a way to provide information to third party users of your container image, to enable a more effective use.
    For instance you can add a maintainer label:

     LABEL maintainer=""
  7. Think about the default command

    The Docker instruction CMD can be used to set the default command that gets executed by docker run <IMAGE> (without arguments) or singularity run <IMAGE>.
    If you don’t specify it, the default will be the CMD specified by the base image, or the shell if the latter was not defined.

    Our suggestion for the vast majority of containers is to set it to /bin/bash.
    You might think of using an application binary instead, but in the end this is not very useful. In fact, the CMD default gets overridden by any command/argument you add to the run commands, in which case you would need to explicitly state the main command anyway. Moreover, if your container ships multiple executables, some will be left out anyway.

    There are only a few exception to this general advice.
    For Python and R containers, you might set it to the python and R interpreter, respectively.
    Do not set CMD for rocker/ RStudio and jupyter/ Jupyter images; these come with articulated setups that allow to spawn the web servers, so your choice would be ignored anyway.

A Ubuntu example

To get started, let’s comment on a simple example, where we’re using a Ubuntu image and we want to add some developer tools using apt: some build tools, git and **. We’re going to use it to practice with advice 1 to 3 above. The corresponding files are in the directory 2.ubuntu/.

The simplest Dockerfile, Dockerfile.1, looks like:

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update \
      && apt-get install -y \
           build-essential \
           gfortran \
           git \

We can build an image called u:1 via:

$ docker build -t u:1 -f Dockerfile.1 .

Once built, interestingly we can see from docker images that the image size is 379 MB:

REPOSITORY                      TAG                                   IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
u                               1                                     f513ff384910        28 hours ago        379MB

Let’s see if we can reduce the image size (practice no. 2), using Dockerfile.2:

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update \
      && apt-get install -y \
           build-essential \
           gfortran \
           git \

RUN apt-get clean all \
      && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Now, let’s build the new image. Can you see the process is almost instantaneous? This is layer caching in action!
However, if we have a look at the size, we can see that .. it’s still 379 MB! Well, this makes sense if you think about practice no. 1: we’re cleaning using a separate RUN command, thus creating a distinct layer. Then, the files being cleaned up are still snapshotted in the first layer. Let’s then consolidate the two RUNs in to one (Dockerfile.3):

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update \
      && apt-get install -y \
           build-essential \
           gfortran \
           git \
           wget \
      && apt-get clean all \
      && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*

The size of the new image is now 350 MB, down 29 MB or about 8%. Not too bad .. but the benefits of cleaning the image become more significant as you install more packages in it.

Let’s now integrate practice 3 in the Dockerfile, to allow flexibility in package versions. Well, with apt we’re typically quite constrained in picking versions, so in this case let’s try and become flexible with the Ubuntu version, see Dockerfile.4:


RUN apt-get update \
      && apt-get install -y \
           build-essential \
           gfortran \
           git \
           wget \
      && apt-get clean all \
      && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*

With this Dockerfile, by default we’re going to build the image starting from Ubuntu 18.04. However, we can now change this behaviour at build time, for instance if need 20.04:

$ docker build -t u:4-20.04 -f Dockerfile.4 --build-arg OS_VERSION="20.04" .

A Python example: astropy using pip

Let’s practice installing Python packages in a container using pip; we’ll use the base image python:3.8-slim, and the package astropy as an example (files under 2.pip/).

Here is the first, minimal iteration of the image recipe, Dockerfile.1:

FROM python:3.8-slim

RUN pip install astropy

CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]

Seems straightforward, right? Note how the Dockerfile is re-defining the default command to the bash shell; this is because python images set it to the Python console. Have a look at the Dockerfile for python:3.8-slim as a reference. If you prefer the latter setting, just delete the last line.

Let’s build the image, have a look at the output, and then check the image size with docker images:

$ docker build -t p:1 -f Dockerfile.1 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
Step 1/3 : FROM python:3.8-slim
 ---> 38cd21c9e1a8
Step 2/3 : RUN pip install astropy
 ---> Running in 1873f952be21
Collecting astropy
  Downloading astropy-4.0.1.post1-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (6.5 MB)
Collecting numpy>=1.16
  Downloading numpy-1.19.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (14.5 MB)
Installing collected packages: numpy, astropy
Successfully installed astropy-4.0.1.post1 numpy-1.19.1
Removing intermediate container 1873f952be21
 ---> 6e8eaaaa85dc
Step 3/3 : CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]
 ---> Running in cba660461191
Removing intermediate container cba660461191
 ---> 06cc7bee12cd
Successfully built 06cc7bee12cd
Successfully tagged p:1

A couple of notes here:

Can we reduce image size? Sure, let’s have a look at Dockerfile.2:

FROM python:3.8-slim

RUN pip --no-cache-dir install astropy

CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]

If we build this image, we can see that using the option pip --no-cache-dir reduces the size by 22 MB, or 10%, to 206 MB.

Now, let’s try and add version control to this image. As in the Dockerfile we’re asking pip to install astropy, we can make its version explicit as in Dockerfile.3:

FROM python:3.8-slim

RUN pip --no-cache-dir install astropy==$ASTRO_VERSION

CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]

In this example, the default installed version is 3.2.3. This can be changed at build time with --build-arg ASTRO_VERSION=<ALTERNATE VERSION>.

This was easy enough. Now, how about build reproducibility? Or, put in other words, are there other packages for which we might need to keep explicit track of the version?
Well, when we install Python packages, most of them come with some dependency; in this case it’s numpy. Let’s see ways to track these when building a container. We’re going to see two examples, both of which rely on using a requirements file.

pip build reproducibility, way 1: pip freeze

We’re now going to adopt a pretty useful strategy when developing Docker files, that is running interactive container sessions to trial things. First, let’s write a file specifying the package we’re after:


And now, let’s start an interactive session with our base image, python:3.8-slim. We need the current directory to be bind mounted in the container:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data python:3.8-slim bash

Now, from inside the container let’s execute the script:


# run this from the miniconda3 container
# docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data python:3.8-slim bash

pip install -r

pip freeze >$REQ_FILE

Here we’re performing a trial run of the installation we’re after, using the requirements file via pip install -r
Then, the useful bit: let’s save the obtained pip configuration in a file, using pip freeze. The end result, requirements4-3sep.txt, contains all the final packages (two in this case) with explicit versions:


We can then use this file as a reference in the Dockerfile, see Dockerfile.4:

FROM python:3.8-slim

ARG REQ_FILE="requirements4-3sep.txt"
ADD $REQ_FILE /requirements.txt
RUN pip --no-cache-dir install --no-deps -r /requirements.txt

CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]

We’re copying the requirements files in the image using ADD, and then using the second one to run the pip installation (the former is copied just to document it in the image, it’s not really required). We’re using the additional flag install --no-deps to make sure pip is only installing the packages that are listed in the requirements; this is a complete list of packages, as we got it from a real installation.

Now, if we run this build repeatedly over time, we’re always ending up with the same set of packages (and versions) in the container image!

pip build reproducibility, way 2: pip-tools

With pip, we’ve got an alternate way to generate our fully specified requirements file, that does not require running a full installation interactively.

This alternate way makes use of a Python package called pip-tools, see its Github page. We need it installed on the host machine we use to build Docker images, which we can achieve via pip install pip-tools.

Then, starting from our initial file, we can generate the final one simply running:

$ pip-compile -o requirements5-3sep.txt

The list of packages is consistent with the pip freeze way, just with some extra comments:

# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile
# To update, run:
#    pip-compile --output-file=requirements2-3sep.txt
astropy==3.2.3            # via -r
numpy==1.19.1             # via astropy

astropy using conda

For folks who prefer conda over pip, let’s see how we can get an astropy container image with this approach (files under 2.conda/).
Let’s start with the basic Dockerfile.1, which keeps track of astropy version only:

FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2

# note, as of september 2020, "--no-update-deps" seems not to be respected

RUN conda install -y --no-update-deps astropy==$ASTRO_VERSION

First, we’re starting from the continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2 image; have a look at the Dockerfile if you want.

Then, note how we’re using the conda install flag --no-update-deps to ask conda not to update any package that ships with the base image. This is intended for better build reproducibility, in that these packages should be defined only by the choice of the base image itself. However, unfortunately at the time of writing this flag does not seem to work as intended.

We can build the image with:

$ docker build -t c:1 -f Dockerfile.1 .

As per typical conda installations, the list of new/updated packages is longer than with pip, over 30 packages.
Also, note the final image size is 1.6 GB.

First, let’s see how we can reduce the image size using conda clean, see Dockerfile.2:

FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2

# note, as of september 2020, "--no-update-deps" seems not to be respected

RUN conda install -y --no-update-deps astropy==$ASTRO_VERSION \
      && conda clean -ay

The corresponding image is 1.37 GB large, with a reduction of 230 MB or 14%.

Now, let’s focus on build reproducibility, taking again an approach using a requirements file.
Let’s start with our specification,


Now, similar to the pip case, let’s start an interactive session:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2 bash

And run this preparation script,


# run this from the miniconda3 container
# docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2 bash

conda install --no-update-deps -y  --file

conda env export >${ENV_FILE}

sed -i -n '/dependencies/,/prefix/p' $REQ_FILE
sed -i -e '/dependencies:/d' -e '/prefix:/d' $REQ_FILE
sed -i 's/ *- //g' $REQ_FILE

Here we’re running a trial installation using conda install --file
Then we can export the versioned packages in the active environment using conda env export. This has a caveat, though.

Environment export in conda creates a YAML file that allows creation of a completely new environment, including information on the environment name, prefix and channels (see environment-3sep.yaml in the directory of this example).
As we just want this information to install packages in the preexisting base environment of the base image, we need to polish this file, e.g. using sed. A bunch of edits will return use the final requirements-3sep.yaml (see example directory), which only contain the list of versioned packages.
This is the requirements file we can use in the Dockerfile, see Dockerfile.3:

FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2

# note, as of september 2020, "--no-update-deps" seems not to be respected

ARG REQ_FILE="requirements-3sep.yaml"
ADD $REQ_FILE /requirements.yaml

RUN conda install -y --no-deps --file /requirements.yaml \
      && conda clean -ay

Note how we’re now using the option conda install --no-deps, to tell conda not to consider any package dependency for installation, but just those packages in the requirements list. In principle, this is dangerous and can lead to broken environments, but here we’re safe as we obtained this list by exporting a real, functional environment.

Shell variables and conda environment settings

This is one more aspect worth mentioning when dealing with conda container images.

So, conda activate run in a Dockerfile would not work as intended, as variable settings would only leave inside the corresponding RUN layer.
Then, another way might be to embed environment sourcing inside profile files, such as ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or even something like /etc/profile.d/ However, these files are only sourced when bash is launched, so for instance not when running a python execution directly. Also, files under home, ~/, would not work with Singularity: Docker home is root’s home, whereas Singularity runs as the host user.

In summary, the most robust way to ensure shell variables for the conda environment are set is to set them explicitly in the Dockerfile using ENV instructions.

In terms of general conda variables, the continuumio base images all set a modified PATH variable, so that conda and binaries in the base environment are found (see Dockerfile).
Explicitly setting also the CONDA_PREFIX is not done in the base image, so it does not hurt doing it in our Dockerfile, see Dockerfile.4:

FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2

# note, as of september 2020, "--no-update-deps" seems not to be respected

ARG REQ_FILE="requirements-3sep.yaml"
ADD $REQ_FILE /requirements.yaml

RUN conda install -y --no-deps --file /requirements.yaml \
      && conda clean -ay

# conda activate is not robustly usable in a container.
# then, go for an environment check in a test container, 
# to see if you need to set any package specific variables in the container:
# run this from the miniconda3 container
# docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2 bash
# env >before
# conda install <..>
# env >after
# diff before after

# this one is always good to have
ENV CONDA_PREFIX="/opt/conda"

How about the extra comments in this Dockerfile?
Well, this is not the case for astropy but, depending on the installed packages, additional variables might be added to the shell environment.

It’s possible to capture them by running another trial installation interactively, and comparing the environment before and after it’s done:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2 bash
/# env >before
/# conda install <..>
/# env >after
/# diff before after

If there are any spare variables, it’s advisable to review them, and include relevant ones in the Dockerfile using ENV instructions.

Python with MPI: mpi4py

Now, let’s have a look at a more articulated example: suppose we need a container image that is able to run MPI Python code, i.e. using the package mpi4py (files under 2.mpi.python/).
How is this different compared to previous examples? Well, in brief:

So, here’s our plan:

  1. install compilers and build tools with apt;
  2. compile an MPI library;
  3. install mpi4py using pip.

Note how in our container image we need both Python and MPI utilities. We know we have base images for both, e.g. python:3.8-slim and pawsey/mpich-base:3.1.4_ubuntu18.04.
Can we combine them? Upon inspection, we will notice that there are no incompatible steps amongst the two, so .. yes we can combine them.
How to combine them? Well, there’s no Docker instruction to achieve this from the two images, so the only option is to pick one and then install the other set of utilities explicitly in the Dockerfile.
This is when it gets handy to have a look at the Dockerfiles of our base images of interest: python, pawsey/mpich-base.
The former is 143 lines long, the latter only 64, and we actually only need the first 38 (after that, it’s about installing a benchmark suite, which we don’t need here) .. so looks more convenient to embed the latter on top of the former.

As regards mpi4py, if we run a trial interactive installation we’ll discover that this package has no further pip package dependencies, so we can specify its version straight in the Dockerfile.

Let’s have a look at how the final Dockerfile looks like:

FROM python:3.8-slim

RUN apt-get update -qq \
      && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \
         build-essential \
         ca-certificates \
         gdb \
         gfortran \
         wget \
      && apt-get clean all \
      && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*

ARG MPICH_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-fast=all,O3 --prefix=/usr"

RUN mkdir -p /tmp/mpich-build \
      && cd /tmp/mpich-build \
      && wget${MPICH_VERSION}/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}.tar.gz \
      && tar xvzf mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}.tar.gz \
      && cd mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}  \
      && ./configure ${MPICH_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS} \
      && make ${MPICH_MAKE_OPTIONS} \
      && make install \
      && ldconfig \
      && cp -p /tmp/mpich-build/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/examples/cpi /usr/bin/ \
      && cd / \
      && rm -rf /tmp/mpich-build


RUN pip --no-cache-dir install --no-deps mpi4py==${MPI4PY_VERSION}

CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]

This makes sense, doesn’t it?

We can build the image using:

$ docker build -t m:1 .

We’re going to use this image again in the next episode.

Key Points