Multi-GPU implementation


Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • Extra: implementing multi-GPU parallelisation

  • Use OpenMP to create mutliple CPU threads

  • Use OpenMP API functions to assign threads to devices

  • Use update directives to synchronise halo-exchange boundaries

Mutli-GPU implementation

Where to start?

This episode starts in 5_single-gpu/ directory.


GPU-accelerated HPC systems are usually based on multi-GPU nodes. This means that in order to take advantage of the full computational power of the node we need to parallelise our application across multiple GPUs within the node. There are at least two strategies to achieve this:

In this episode we will use OpenMP to generate multiple threads and assign threads to GPUs. Each of the threads will be assigned to its unique GPU.

The computational nature of the Laplace equation solver will require synchronisation on the boundaries of domains assigned to various GPUs.

Multithreading and thread-GPU affinity

We will start by creating OpenMP parallel region around the while loop. We will set the default data type to be shared.

#pragma omp parallel default(shared) firstprivate(...)
  while ( dt > MAX_TEMP_ERROR && iteration <= max_iterations ) {

Now that we have created multiple threads, we will create affinity between threads and GPUs. For this we will use OpenMP API query functions.

For this to work we must first include appropriate header files:

#include <omp.h>

First, we will query for the number of available threads and set a thread ID.

  num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
  thread_id  = omp_get_thread_num();

Next, we will query for the number of devices and compute the GPU device ID for each thread by taking thread ID module number of available GPU devices.

    num_devices = omp_get_num_devices();
    device_id  = thread_id % num_devices;

Finally, we can assign thread to GPU with the use of language specific function.


Please note that we have used new integer variables: num_threads, thread_id, num_devices, device_id.

Those need to be defined earlier in the code:

int num_threads = 1;				 
int thread_id  = 0;				 	 
int num_devices = 1;				 
int device_id  = 0;					 

and also declared as firstprivate variables.

Domain decomposition

Parallelisation strategy and proper algorithm design is one the most important steps for achieving high computational performance. In the case of our Laplace example we will simply divide the problem into num_threads chunks (stripes) by dividing the grid in X dimension. For this we need to:

int chunk_size = 0;					 
int i_start, i_end;					

We can now change both i-loops to iterate within the precomputed boundaries:

for(i = i_start; i <= i_end; i++)

Firstprivate variables

We have set the CPU default OpenMP data type to shared. For this reason we need to be very careful with identifying variables that need to be treated as private of firstprivate within the OpenMP parallel region.

Clearly, arrays T and T_new should be treated as shared. Those arrays can be potentially very big in size and each thread will be working on a separate stripe/chunk.

We have also noted before that num_threads, thread_id, num_devices, device_id, chunk_size, i_start and i_end variables need to be treated as firstprivate.

In addition to this, variables dt, iteration, i and j need to be treated as firstprivate as well.

Therefore, the opening of the OpenMP parallel region should be of the following form:

#pragma omp parallel default(shared) firstprivate(num_threads, thread_id, num_devices, device_id, i_start, i_end, chunk_size,dt,iteration,i,j)


There is one very important component missing: halo-exchange. Left-hand side and right-hand side boundaries of each stripe (chunk) need to be synchronised with other threads. Please continue reading to learn how that can be achieved with OpenMP. This is related to the computational nature of the Laplace equation solver. Value for each grid node is computed as an average of its 4 neighbours.

It is even more complicated since GPU threads are operating on a local copy of T and T_new arrays which were transferred to the GPU memory.


Do we need to transfer the whole T and T_new arrays back to CPU memory to achieve the synchronisation? We have already seen that copying whole arrays back and forth is a significant overhead.

Fortunately, OpenMP provides us with update directive which can be used to transfer only single rows or columns of 2D arrays. Therefore, each thread will:

Please note that we had to introduce an additional OpenMP barrier between those two events. We need to be sure that boundaries of neighbouring threads are already available in the CPU memory.

This can be implemented in the following way for OpenMP:

// main computational kernel, average over neighbours in the grid
#pragma omp target
#pragma omp teams distribute parallel for collapse(2)
for(i = i_start; i <= i_end; i++)
    for(j = 1; j <= GRIDY; j++)
        T_new[i][j] = 0.25 * (T[i+1][j] + T[i-1][j] +
                                    T[i][j+1] + T[i][j-1]);

#pragma omp target update from(T[i_start:1][1:GRIDY])
#pragma omp target update from(T[i_end:1][1:GRIDY])
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp target update to(T[(i_start-1):1][1:GRIDY])
#pragma omp target update to(T[(i_end+1):1][1:GRIDY])


Every thread is now able to compute correct result in each iteration, however we do not have proper synchronisation for the dt variable which is used to determine if the iterative algorithm converged. For that reason we will create a shared dt_global variable to compute global largest change of temperature.

This can be achieved in the following way:

// reset dt
dt = 0.0;
#pragma omp single
dt_global = 0.0;

#pragma omp barrier

// compute the largest change and copy T_new to T
OpenMP loop construct
for(i = i_start; i <= i_end; i++){
    for(j = 1; j <= GRIDY; j++){
dt = MAX( fabs(T_new[i][j]-T[i][j]), dt);
T[i][j] = T_new[i][j];

#pragma omp critical
dt_global = MAX(dt,dt_global);

#pragma omp barrier


Local dt is first set to zero. One of the OpenMP threads is also setting dt_global to zero, this is followed by OpenMP barrier for proper synchronisation.

After computing local dt, each thread updates dt_global. This needs to be done in the OpenMP critical region to make sure that each thread’s value is taken into account. Work is synchronised with the use of OpenMP barrier to make sure that contribution from all threads were calculated. Finally, each thread copies dt_global value to local dt.

Diagnostic messages

We also make sure that diagnostic messages are printed by only a single thread (in that case by the master thread).

// periodically print largest change
#pragma omp master
if((iteration % 100) == 0)
    printf("Iteration %4.0d, dt %f\n",iteration,dt);


The size of the grid should be significantly increased to measure scalability across multiple GPUs. We suggest to use 8192x8192 grid size.

Key Points

  • We have learned how to parallelise OpenMP applications on multiple GPUs within the node

  • We are now able to create codes that use all computational devices available in the node