Data management


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Usage of OpenMP data mapping directives

  • Perform basic profiling of GPU events

  • Apply data transfer OpenMP directives to improve the performance of the code

Data management

Where to start?

This episode starts in 4_data/ directory.

Non-optimal memory management (e.g. excessive memory transfers) can heavily impact the performance of any GPU accelerated code. Therefore it is very important to understand how memory is being mapped and copied between host and device.

When using AMD GPUs and ROCm this can be achieved by using Rocprof profiler.

The impact of memory transfers on the current performance of the GPU kernel on AMD GPUs can be measured with rocprof profiler by running:

bash-4.2$ srun -u -n 1 rocprof --hsa-trace ./laplace 4000

The above execution will generate multiple profiling files. We are especially interested in time spent for memory transfers which is reported in txt file with .copy_stats.csv extension. As can be seen from the report generated below, memory transfers represent about 19s (19096229752ns) and are executed more than 22,000 times. This is significant percentege of the whole runtime and indicates performance bottleneck.


Analysing data transfers

As we’ve seen memory transfers can take significant amount of time if scheduled improperly. In the case of the Laplace example T and T_new arrays are being copied multiple times in every iteration of the algorithm. More precisely, in each iteration of the algorithm we have:

This gives us 5 data transfers of a 33.5 MB buffer per iteration and 11,000 data transfers for the entire run. However if we analyse data accesses in the implementation, we can clearly see that there is no need for this, we don’t need any results on the host until after the while loop exits. We will try to fix it by using OpenMP compiler directives to indicate when and which data transfers should occur.

We can achieve it in OpenMP with the use of omp target data directive placed right before the while loop:

#pragma omp target data map(tofrom:T) map(alloc:T_new)
while ( dt > MAX_TEMP_ERROR && iteration <= max_iterations ) {
OpenMP data construct

Let’s run the rocprof profiling again on the OpenMP version.

bash-4.2$ srun -u -n 1 rocprof --hsa-trace ./laplace 4000

What we can notice is that the code runs much faster now and as can be seen from the profiler information the memory transfers are now taking only a fraction of second i.e. 0.028s (28438985ns).

We have successfully and significantly reduced the total number of memory transfers of the large T and T_new arrays, as well as the total number of transfers to 4,496.

Key differences

Although we claim that we have significantly reduced the number of data transfers, the rocprof report is still indicating that there was around 4496 data transfers. Those transfers are related to the use of dt in the second loop nest. This scalar variable needs to be copied in and out in every iteration of the algorithm.

Default scalar mapping

In OpenMP a scalar variable that is not explicitly mapped is implicitly mapped as firstprivate, although this behaviour can be changed with the use of defaultmap(tofrom:scalar) clause.

This is why in the OpenMP implementation we need to explicitly map the dt variable which occurs in the reduction clause.

// compute the largest change and copy T_new to T
#pragma omp target map(dt)
#pragma omp teams distribute parallel for collapse(2) reduction(max:dt)
for(i = 1; i <= GRIDX; i++){
    for(j = 1; j <= GRIDY; j++){
      dt = MAX( fabs(T_new[i][j]-T[i][j]), dt);
      T[i][j] = T_new[i][j];

Key Points

  • We have successfully and significantly reduced the total number of memory transfers

  • We have significantly increased the performance of GPU implementation